Composers and their stage works 

Carlo Goldoni

(1707 - 1793): Italian dramatist born Venice February 27, 1707; died Paris February 6, 1793



  1. Plays marked "Carnival season" were produced between December 26 of the preceding year and Shrove Tuesday of the given year.
  2. Plays marked "autumn season" were produced from the first week in October to December 15 of the given year.
  3. Plays marked "summer" were produced on the mainland during the summer, when the Venetian theatres were closed.
  4. Legend: "2 masks" refers to the number of masked characters (from the commedia tradition) in the cast.
  5. Legend "Martellian verse" means that the metric form used is one originated by Pier Iacopo Martelli, a poet and a contemporary of Goldoni. It stems from the Alexandrine of medieval French, having fourteen syllables.
  6. "Sdruccioli verse" is a form in which the accent of each verse is on the antepenultimate syllable.
  1. Belisario (Belisarius). Tragicomedy, 5 acts; verse. Published 1738. Produced Venice, Teatro San Samuele, Nov. 24, 1734.
  2. Rosmonda. Tragicomedy, 5 acts; verse. Published 1793. Produced Venice, Teatro San Samuele, Jan. 17, 1735.
  3. La Griselda. Tragicomedy, 3 acts; verse. Published 1777. Produced Udine (?), summer, 1735; Venice, Teatro San Samuele, autumn season, 1735.
  4. Don Giovanni Tenorio, o sia Il dissoluto (Don Juan Tenorio, or The Debauchee). Tragicomedy, 5 acts; verse. Published 1754. Produced Venice, Teatro San Samuele, Carnival season, 1736.
  5. Rinaldo di Montalbano. Tragicomedy, 5 acts; verse. Published 1774. Produced Venice, Teatro San Samuele, autumn season, 1736.
  6. Enrico, re di Sicilia (Henry, King of Sicily). Tragicomedy, 5 acts; verse. Published 1740. Produced Venice, Teatro San Samuele, Carnival season, 1738 (Dec. 26, 1736?).
  7. L'uomo di mondo (The Man of the World); also known as Momolo cortesan (Momolo the Courtier). Comedy, 3 acts; in Venetian prose. 3 masks. Published 1757. Produced Venice, Teatro San Samuele, Carnival season, 1739.
  8. Il prodigo (The Prodigal); also known as Momolo sulla Brenta (Momolo on the Brenta). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 3 masks. Published 1757. Produced Venice, Teatro San Samuele, autumn season, 1739.
  9. Giustino (Justin). Tragicomedy, 5 acts; verse. Published 1793. Produced 1734-1740.
  10. La bancarotta, o sia Il mercante fallito (The Bankruptcy, or The Failed Merchant). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 4 masks. Published 1757. Produced Venice, Teatro San Samuele, Carnival season, 1741.
  11. La donna di garbo (The Clever Woman). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 2 masks. Published 1747. Produced Venice, Teatro San Samuele, autumn season, 1743.
  12. Il servitore di due padroni (The Servant of Two Masters). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 4 masks. Published 1753. Produced Venice, Teatro San Samuele, autumn season, 1745.
  13. Il figlio d'Arlecchino perduto a ritrovato (The Son of Harlequin Lost and Found Again). Improvised comedy, partly written. Published 1897. Produced Venice, Teatro San Samuele, autumn season, 1745/May, 1747.
  14. I due gemelli veneziani (The Venetian Twins). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 3 masks. Published 1750. Produced Pisa (?) and/or Mantua (?), spring, 1748; Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, autumn season, 1748.
  15. L'uomo prudente (The Prudent Man). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 3 masks. Published 1750. Produced Mantua (?), spring, 1748; Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, autumn season, 1748.
  16. La vedova scaltra (The Artful Widow). Comedy, 5 acts; prose. 3 masks. Published 1750. Produced Modena, summer, 1748.
  17. Il frappatore, o Tonin Bella Grazia (The Cheat, or Foppish Anthony). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 2 masks. Published 1757. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, autumn season, 1748.
  18. La putta onorata (The Respectable Girl). Comedy, 3 acts; in Venetian prose (except 2 roles). 3 masks. Published 1751. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, late Carnival season, 1749.
  19. La buona moglie (The Good Wife). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 3 masks. Published 1751. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, autumn season, 1749.
  20. Il cavaliere a la dama, o I cicisbei (The Cavalier and the Lady, or The Cicisbei). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 3 masks. Published 1752. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Nov. 25/Dec. 15, 1749.
  21. Il padre di famiglia (The Father of a Family). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 3 masks (none in published edition). Published 1751. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, 1750.
  22. L'avvocato veneziano (The Venetian Lawyer). Comedy, 3 acts; prose (1 Venetian role). 1 mask. Published 1752. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Carnival season, 1750.
  23. La famiglia dell'antiquario, o sia La suocera a la nuora (The Antiquarian's Family, or The Mother-in-law and the Daughter-in-law). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 4 masks. Published 1752. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Carnival season, 1750.
  24. L'erede fortunata (The Lucky Heiress). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 3 masks (later, 1 mask). Published 1752. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Carnival season, 1750.
  25. La bottega del caffe (The Coffee House). Comedy, 3 acts, in Venetian (later, Tuscan) prose. 2 masks (later, none). Published 1753. Produced Mantua, May 2, 1750; Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, October, 1750.
  26. II bugiardo (The Liar). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 4 masks. Published 1753. Produced Mantua, May 23, 1750; Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, autumn season, 1750.
  27. L'adulatore (The Flatterer). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 3 masks. Published 1753. Produced Mantua, spring, 1750; Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, autumn season, 1750.
  28. Il teatro comico (The Comic Theatre). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 4 masks. Published 1751. Produced Milan, summer, 1750; Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Oct. 5, 1750.
  29. Pamela nubile (Pamela the Spinster). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. Published 1753. Produced Milan, summer, 1750; Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, autumn season, 1750. Based on Samuel Richardson's novel Pamela (1740).
  30. Il poeta fanatico (The Fanatic Poet). Comedy, 3 acts; prose and verse. 2 masks. Published 1753. Produced Milan, Sept. 5, 1750; Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, autumn season, 1750.
  31. Le femmine puntigliose (The Punctilious Ladies). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 3 masks. Published 1753. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Oct. 10, 1750.
  32. Il giuocatore (The Gambler). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 3 masks. Published 1754. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, late autumn season, 1750.
  33. Il cavaliere di buon gusto (The Cavalier of Good Taste). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 4 masks. Published 1753. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Dec. 11, 1750.
  34. Il vero amico (The True Friend). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. Published 1753. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Dec. 26, 1750.
  35. La finta ammalata (The Feigned Invalid). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 1 mask. Published 1753. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Carnival season, 1751.
  36. La dama prudente (The Discreet Wife). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. Published 1753. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Carnival season, 1751.
  37. L'incognita perseguitata (The Unknown Woman Persecuted). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 3 masks. Published 1754. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Carnival season, 1751.
  38. 38. L'avventuriere onorato (The Respectable Adventurer). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 1 mask (originally in Venetian). Published 1753. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Feb. 13, 1751.
  39. La donna volubile (The Fickle Woman). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 3 masks. Published 1755. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, February, 1751.
  40. I pettegolezzi delle donne (Women's Tittle-Tattle). Comedy, 3 acts; in Venetian prose. 2 masks. Published 1753. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Feb. 23, 1751.
  41. Il Molière (Molière). Comedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1753. Produced Turin, Aug. 28, 1751; Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Oct. 4, 1751.
  42. La castalda (The Housekeeper). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 3 masks. Published 1753. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, October, 1751.
  43. L'amante militare (The Military Lover). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 3 masks. Published 1755. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, autumn season, 1751.
  44. Il tutore (The Tutor). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. Published 1753. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Jan. 4, 1752.
  45. La moglie saggia (The Sensible Wife). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 3 masks. Published 1753. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Carnival season, 1752.
  46. Il feudatario (The Feudatory). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 2 masks. Published 1753. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Feb. 7, 1752.
  47. Le donne gelose (The Jealous Women). Comedy, 3 acts; in Venetian prose. 1 mask. Published 1753. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Feb. 12, 1752.
  48. La serva amorosa (The Devoted Servant). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 3 masks. Published 1753. Produced Bologna, spring, 1752; Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, October, 1752.
  49. I puntigli domestici (Domestic Bickerings). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 4 masks. Published 1754. Produced Milan, summer, 1752; Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, October 1752.
  50. La figlia obbediente (The Obedient Daughter). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 3 masks. Published 1754. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, autumn season, 1752.
  51. I mercanti (The Merchants); originally, I due Pantaloni (The Two Pantaloons). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 4 masks (later, none). Published 1754. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Dec. 26, 1752.
  52. La locandiera (The Mistress of the Inn). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. Published 1753. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, January, 1753.
  53. Le donne curiose (The Inquisitive Women). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 3 masks. Published 1753. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Carnival season, 1753.
  54. Il contrattempo, o sia Il chiacchierone imprudente (The Mishap, or The Imprudent Chatterer). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 2 masks. Published 1754. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Carnival season, 1753.
  55. La donna di testa debole, o sia la vedova infatuata (The Addlepated Lady, or The Infatuated Widow). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 2 masks. Published 1757. Produced Leghorn, summer, 1753; Venice, Teatro San Luca, autumn season, 1753.
  56. La donna vendicativa (The Vengeful Lady). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 1 mask. Published 1754. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, autumn season, 1753.
  57. Il geloso avaro (The Jealous Miser). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 2 masks. Published 1757. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, October, 1753.
  58. La sposa persiana (The Persian Bride). Tragicomedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1757. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, autumn season, 1753.
  59. La cameriera brillante (The Clever Lady's Maid). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 3 masks. Published 1757. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Carnival season, 1754.
  60. Il filosofo inglese (The English Philosopher). Comedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1757. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Carnival season, 1754.
  61. Il vecchio bizzarro (The Eccentric Old Man). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 3 masks. Published 1757. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Carnival season, 1754.
  62. Il festino (The Ball). Comedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1757. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Carnival season, 1754.
  63. La madre amorosa (The Fond Mother). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 3 masks. Published 1754. Produced Genoa, spring, 1754; Venice, Teatro San Luca, autumn season, 1754.
  64. L'impostore (The Swindler). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. 4 masks. Published 1754. Produced Modena, summer, 1754.
  65. Il Terenzio (Terence). Comedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1758. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, autumn season, 1754.
  66. La peruviana (The Peruvian Woman). Tragicomedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1757. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, autumn season, 1754.
  67. La metempsicosi, ossia La pitagorica trasmigrazione (Metempsychosis, or The Pythagorean Transmigration). Comedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1793. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, season of 1754/55?
  68. Il Torquato Tasso. Comedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1757. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Carnival season, 1755.
  69. II cavaliere giocondo (The Merry Cavalier). Comedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1758. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Carnival season, 1755.
  70. Le massere (The Maids of All Work). Comedy, 5 acts; in Venetian Martellian verse. Published 1758. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Feb. 11, 1755.
  71. I malcontenti (The Malcontents). Comedy, 5 acts; prose. Published 1755. Produced Verona, summer, 1755.
  72. La buona famiglia (The Good Family). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. Published 1758. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, autumn season, 1755.
  73. Le donne di casa soa (The Housewives). Comedy, 5 acts; in Venetian Martellian verse. Published 1758. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, autumn season, 1755.
  74. Ircana in Julfa (Hircana in Julfa). Tragicomedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1758. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Dec. 9, 1755.
  75. La villeggiatura (The House Party). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. Published 1758. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, December, 1755.
  76. It raggiratore (The Impostor). Comedy, 5 acts; prose. Published 1758. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Jan. 10, 1756.
  77. La donna stravagante (The Capricious Woman). Comedy, 3 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1760. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Carnival season, 1756.
  78. Il campiello (The Public Square). Comedy, 5 acts; in Venetian verse. Published 1758. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Feb. 20, 1756.
  79. L'avaro (The Miser). Comedy, 1 act; prose. Published 1762. Produced Bologna, Carnival season, 1756.
  80. L'amante di se medesimo (The Self-lover). Comedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1760. Produced Milan, September, 1756; Venice, Teatro San Luca, October, 1756.
  81. Il medico olandese (The Dutch Doctor). Comedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1760. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, before October 30, 1756.
  82. Ircana in Ispaan, o sia Osmano ritornato dal campo (Hircana at Isfahan). Tragicomedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1760. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Oct. 30 / Dec. 14, 1756.
  83. Il buon compatriotto (The Good Compatriot). Scenario, in part. 3 masks. Published 1790. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, 1756.
  84. La pupilla (The Ward). Comedy, 5 acts; Sdruccioli verse. Written 1756. Published 1757. Produced Venice, 1830.
  85. La donna sola (The Woman Alone). Comedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1761. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Jan. 4, 1757.
  86. Un curioso accidente (A Curious Mishap). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. Published 1768. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Carnival season, 1757.
  87. La donna di maneggio (The Contriving Woman). Comedy, 5 acts; prose. Published 1768. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Carnival season, 1757.
  88. L'impresario delle Smirne (The Impresario from Smyrna). Comedy, 3 acts; in Venetian and Bolognese Martellian verse; later, 5 acts; in Tuscan prose. Published 1774. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, 1757.
  89. Il cavaliere di spirito (The Witty Cavalier). Comedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1764. Produced Zola, summer, 1757; Venice, Teatro San Luca, before Jan. 10, 1764.
  90. La vedova spiritosa (The Witty Widow). Comedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1761. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, autumn season, 1757.
  91. Il padre per amore (The Father Through Love). Comedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1763. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, autumn season, 1757.
  92. La bella selvaggia (The Fair Savage). Tragicomedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1761. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Carnival season, 1758.
  93. Lo spirito di contraddizione (The Spirit of Contradiction). Comedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1763. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Carnival season, 1758.
  94. Il ricco insidiato (The Harassed Millionaire). Comedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1761. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Carnival season, 1758.
  95. Le morbinose (The Restless Women). Comedy, 5 acts; in Venetian Martellian verse. Published 1761. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, late Carnival season, 1758.
  96. L'apatista, o sia L'indifferente (Apathy). Comedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1764. Produced Zola, summer, 1758; Venice, Teatro San Luca, autumn season, 1763.
  97. La donna bizzarra (The Eccentric Woman). Comedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1764. Produced Zola, summer, 1758; Venice, Teatro San Luca, January, 1759
  98. La donna di governo (The Upper Servant). Comedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1764. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, autumn season, 1758.
  99. La sposa sagace (The Wise Bride). Comedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1761. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Oct. 13, 1758.
  100. La dalmatina (The Dalmation). Tragi-comedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1763. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, autumn season, 1758.
  101. La buona madre (The Good Mother). Comedy, 3 acts; in Venetian prose. Published 1764. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Carnival season, 1759.
  102. I morbinosi (The Restless Men). Comedy, 5 acts; in Venetian Martellian verse. Published 1763. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Carnival season, 1759.
  103. Gli amori di Alessandro Magno (The Loves of Alexander the Great). Tragicomedy, 5 acts; verse. Published 1793. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, October, 1759.
  104. La scuola di ballo (The Dancing School). Comedy, 5 acts; verse. Published 1792. Produced Bologna, Villa Albergati, Oct. 22, 1759.
  105. La donna forte (The Intrepid Woman). Comedy, 5 acts; Martellian verse. Published 1761. Produced Bologna, Villa Albergati, November, 1759.
  106. Artemisia. Tragicomedy. Published 1793. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, November, 1759.
  107. Gl'innamorati (The Lovers). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. Published 1761. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, November, 1759.
  108. Pamela maritata (Pamela Married). Comedy; prose. Published 1761. Produced Rome, Teatro Capranica, 1759/60.
  109. I rusteghi (The Boors). Comedy, 3 acts; in Venetian prose. Published 1761. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Feb. 16, 1760.
  110. La guerra (The War). Comedy. Published 1764. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Carnival season, 1760.
  111. Enea nel Lazio (Aeneas in Latium). Tragicomedy. Published 1793. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, October, 1760.
  112. Zoroastro (Zoroaster). Tragicomedy. Published 1793. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Nov. 24, 1760.
  113. La casa nova (The New House). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. Published 1768. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Dec. 11, 1760.

Nos. 114, 115, and 117 below form a trilogy.

  1. Le smanie della villeggiatura (The Rage for Country Life). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. Published 1768-1774. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, October, 1761. Part I of trilogy.
  2. Le avventure della villeggiatura (Hazards of Country Life). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. Published 1768-1774. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, October, 1761. Part II of trilogy.
  3. La scozzese (The Scotch Girl). Comedy, 5 acts; prose. Published 1774. Produced Paris, Comédie-Italienne, Nov. 3, 1761.
  4. Il ritorno dalla villeggiatura (The Return from the Country.) Comedy, 3 acts; prose. Published 1768-1774. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Nov. 28, 1761. Part III of trilogy.
  5. La bella Giorgiana (Beautiful Giorgiana). Tragi-comedy, 5 acts; prose. Published 1792. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Dec. 5, 1761.
  6. Sior Todero brontolon, o sia Il vecchio fastidioso (Master Theodore the Grumbler, or The Disagreeable Old Man). Comedy, 3 acts; prose. Published 1774. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, January, 1762.
  7. Le baruffe chiozzotte (The Chioggian Brawls). Comedy, 3 acts; in Venetian prose. Published 1774. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, January, 1762.
  8. Una delle ultime sere di Carnovale (One of the Last Nights of the Carnival). Comedy; prose. Published after 1797. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Feb. 16, 1762.
  9. L'osteria della posta (The Post Inn). Comedy, 1 act. Published 1763. Produced Bologna, Villa Albergatì, 1762.
  10. L'amore paterno, o sia La serva riconoscente (Paternal Love, or The Grateful Servant). Comedy, 5 acts; prose. Published 1763. Produced Paris, Comédie-Italienne, Feb. 4, 1763.
  11. Il ventaglio (The Fan). Comedy, 5 acts; prose. Published 1789. French version (lost): Produced Paris, Comédie-Italienne, Apr. 18 / June 13, 1763. Italian version: Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Carnival season, 1767.
  12. Il matrimonio per concorso (Marriage by Competition). Comedy, 5 acts; prose. Published 1778. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, summer, 1763.
  13. Gli amori di Arlecchino a di Camilla (The Loves of Harlequin and Camilla). Improvised comedy; prose. Published 1788. Produced Paris, Comédie-Italienne, Sept. 27, 1763.
  14. La gelosia di Arlecchino (The Jealousy of Harlequin). Improvised comedy; prose. Published 1789. Produced Paris, Comédie-Italienne, Sept. 27/Dec. 20, 1763.
  15. Le inquietudini di Camilla (Camilla's Tribulations). Improvised comedy; prose. Published 1788. Produced Paris, Comédie-Italienne, Dec. 20, 1763.
  16. Il ritratto d'Arlecchino (The Portrait of Harlequin). Improvised comedy, 2 acts (later, written in 3 acts); prose. Published 1777. Produced Paris, Comédie-Italienne, before Sept. 24, 1764.
  17. Chi la fa l'aspetta, o sia La burla vendicata nel contraccambio fra'i chiassetti del carneval (We Reap as We Sow). Comedy, 5 acts; prose. Published 1789. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Carnival season, 1765.
  18. II genio buono a il genio cattivo (The Good Genius and the Bad Genius). Comedy, 5 acts; prose. Published 1793. Produced Venice, Teatro San Giovanni Crisostomo, Carnival season, 1768/69.
  19. Le bourru bienfaisant (The Beneficent Bear). Comedy, 5 acts; in French prose. Published 1771. Produced Paris, Comédie-Française, Nov. 4, 1771.
  20. L'avare fastueux (The Spendthrift Miser). Comedy, 5 acts; in French prose. Published 1789. Produced Fontainebleau, Nov. 14, 1776.


