Hans Sachs


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  1. Sämtliche Fastnachtsspiele, ed. by E. Götze, 7 vols., Halle, 1880-1886;
  2. Werke, ed. by A. von Keller and E. Götze, 26 vols., Tubingen, 1870-1908;
  3. Werke, ed. by K. M. Schiller, 2 vols., 1960.
  4. Translations of the Carnival Comedies of Hans Sachs - tr & ed Robert Aylett - Edwin Mellen Press 1994

Individual Plays

  1. The Horse Thief. Published in Adventures in World Literature, ed. by R. B. Inglis and W. K. Stewart and tr. by W. Leighton, New York, 1936.
  2. Raising the Devil. Published in The Drama: Its History, Literature and Influence on Civilization, ed. by A. Bates and tr. by W. Chambers, vol. 10, London, 1903-1904.
  3. The Wandering Scholar in Paradise. Published in Poetic Drama, ed. by A. Kreymborg and tr. by S. Eliot, New York, 1941.

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