Composers and their stage works 


The Moon Is Blue

Comedy. F. Hugh Herbert. 3 men, 1 woman. 1 Interior, 1 Exterior

A very charming and innocently frank young girl, Patty O'Neill, meets a young architect, Don Gresham, on the top of the Empire State Building. The result of this casual meeting is that she goes to his apartment, where she becomes embroiled in a whole series of amusing situations. He has invited her out to dinner, but instead she determines to cook the meal for him, and the two get along swimmingly until it turns out that Don has until the day before been more or less satisfactorily engaged to the daughter of his friend and neighbor, David Slater. Slater arrives at Don's apartment, is attracted to Patty, and when he gets too friendly Don shows unmistakable signs of purely masculine jealousy. The situation becomes increasingly involved, reaching a climax when ,Pattys father, an irate and Puritanical policeman, turns up and, suspecting the worst,, gives Don a black eye. Ultimately,. however, it turns out that Don is not the wolf that Patty's father imagined, and at the very end, when the scene reverts to the top of the Empire State Building, all ends satisfactorily.
ISBN: 0-8222-0773-7

The Moon Is Down

John Steinbeck : Drama 17M 3F 2 Interior sets

Set in an unknown town that has just been occupied by a small regiment of enemy soldiers, the Mayor of the town agrees to meet with the enemy to try to work out a plan for peaceful coexistence between the soldiers and townspeople before the impending war goes much further. The enemy establishes a command base in his residence, making life for the Mayor rather difficult as the townspeople suspect his allegiance has changed. As the invasion and eventual occupation develops, the soldiers grapple with loneliness, spite and the hate directed at them which begins to wear down their emotions. When all else fails, the soldiers look to the Mayor, who has secretly emerged as a leader of the resistance group in town, as a last hope for them to win their war and sway the townspeople towards their side. Although at first unwilling, the Mayor accepts his execution at the hands of the enemy, knowing he will give incentive to his people to keep fighting for freedom.
ISBN: 0 8222 1599 3

Moon Over the Brewery

Play. Bruce Graham. 2 men, 2 women. Interior.

Miriam Lipsky, unmarried and living with her thirteen-year-old daughter, Amanda, works as a waitress to pay the bills, but it is her painting that really matters to her. Good subjects are scarce in the drab Pennsylvania coal town where they live, so Miriam dons a miner's lamp and paints at night, whenmoonlight softens and transforms the stark landscape. Miriam is also desirous of male companionship, a need which the precocious Amanda (she has an IQ of 160) has discouraged by driving away suitor after suitor with her barbed comments. Amanda, compensating for the lack of a father, has also created an imaginary friend, Randolph, who appears (only to her) in a resplendent white suit and provides mischievous advice and guidance. Matters come to a head when Miriam brings home Warren Zimmerman, a rather unprepossessing, somewhat paunchy mailman who, at first, appears to be a perfect target for Amandâs (and RandolpEs) caustic remarks and demeaning intelligence tests. Until, that is, he quietly' but firmly beats Amanda at her own game. In fact it is the surprisingly resourceful Warren who is able, at last, to wean Amanda away from her dependence on Randolph and into reality - and who, in time, may also be the one able to fill the aching needs of both Amanda and her lonely mother.
ISBN: 0-8222-0774-5


Play. Harold Pinter
M4 (20s, 50s) F3 (16, 50s). Simple settings depicting 2 bedrooms and an undefined space.

Andy is a civil servant who lies dying in his bed. Desperate for consolation from his family, he spends his time railing against his long-suffering wife Bea. They remember their past, in particular their friendship with Maria, with whom they both had affairs. Alongside them, Andy's unemployed sons act out a series of fiercely high-powered mind-games, while daughter Bridget hovers over the action, subtly suggesting that she was the victim of some terrible childhood wrong.


Drama. Harold Pinter. 4 men, 2 women, 1 girl. Interior.

In a dark space you can't measure, a once visceral father lies on his deathbed, looking over his life, his youth, loves, lusts and betrayals of his wife. At the same time, in another bedroom, somewhere in the same space, the man's two sons intellectually, clinically, and conspiratorially speak of their relationship with their father. Side-stepping their estrangement from him, they rationalize their love-hate relationship with him and defend the distance they are incapable of closing, even when their mother calls them home. In contrast to these closed sons, is the man's daughter, the baby sister, who refuses the dourness, and bridges the space between the light and dark, youth and age, and death and life.
ISBN: 0-8222-1481-4

Moose Mating

Romantic Comedy David Grae. 3 men, 2 women, flexible casting. Unit Set.

The play föllows the romance of Betsy and Michael, a pair of twenties/early thirties, bright, ambitious downtowners who meet at a play and experience instant, overwhelming chemistry - the magic and misery of the wound that can only be healed by the sword that inflicted it. We not only watch the romantic heroes interact, but their thoughts are revealed as well - their insecurities, fears, and dreams about relationships. Betsy and Michael each have confidants, Josie and Lonnie, who advise them on how to "play the game" with the opposite sex and how to gain the tactical advantage in the relationship. Josie and Lonnie draw on sports and war analogies to make their points. We track the relationship from first meeting to first phone call to first date to first kiss to first time making love to falling in love to moving in together to problems and the horror of "routine" to marriage proposal to breakup. Moose Mating will make you think twice before entering the moose-jammed forest of a modern-day relationship.
ISBN: 0-8222-1543-8

The Morning Star

Play. Emlyn Williams
M4 (30s, 50s, 60s, 70s) F4 (20s, 30s, middle-age). A drawing-room. . Copies available on hire.

Set in the London of 1940, this poignant and touchingly sentimental play tells the story of how one family comes to terms with the harsh realities of war. Yet they rise above it all: as one character says, buildings can burn and 'our lives can crash before our eyes, there'll be that we can be sure of, for ever- our love and trust, and courage - as long as we stick together and fight'.

Morning Start

Play. Sylvia Regan. 8 men, 5 women. Interior.

Becky Felderman has brought her four children to America so they might have a better life than they would in Russia. She flings herself into her new life and says, "Everybody can be somebody, and only good can come to us." One daughter works in a factory, another marries a young songwriter, who later goes into pictures while one dies in a factory fire. While domestic unhappiness threatens to overwhelm one daughter and her husband, somehow the good sense of the mother finds a way. The young school teacher who is ambitious; the older woman who is doing her best to learn American history; the exasperatingly amusing Brownstien who sputters implications against capitalism and the bourgeois - these are only a few of the many entertaining and truly drawn characters that pass the stage of "Morning Star." The World War comes, takes its toll, and passes, bringing us up almost to today; and throughout the whole family history we are presented in the most entertaining and vivid fashion with the ups and downs, minor tragedy or broad comedy that go to make up the day-today life of this essentially healthy and sane family of ex-emigrants.
ISBN: 0-8222-1729-5

Moscow Stations

Play. Stephen Mulrine, adapted from the novel Moscow to Petushki by Venedikt Yerofeev
M 1, plus offstage voices. An empty stage.

On a Moscow railway platform, Venya, an alcoholic wanderer, regales us with details - funny, shocking and sad - about his fascinating, complicated and ultimately hopeless life. Painting a darkly comic but despairing picture of Russia under Brezhnev, this rambling and random memoir is lyrical and moving, and provides a bravura role for a versatile actor.

The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told

Comedy; Paul Rudnick : 4 men, 5 women. Unit Set

A stage manager, headset and prompt book at hand, brings the house lights to half, then dark, and cues the creation of the world. Throughout the play, she's in control of everything. In other words, she's either God, or she thinks she is. Act One recounts the major episodes of the Old Testament but from a gay perspective: there's the Garden of Eden, the Flood, the Exodus and finally even the Nativity. Instead of Adam and Eve, our lead characters are Adam and Steve, and Jane and Mabel, a lesbian couple with whom they decide to start civilization (procreation proves to be a provocative challenge). Along the way, Mabel and Adam invent God, but Jane and Steve are sceptical. This brings about the Flood, during which Steve has a brief affair with a rhinoceros and invents infidelity. No longer blissful, Adam and Steve break up only to be reunited as two of the wise men at the Nativity. Act Two jumps to modern day Manhattan. Adam and Steve are together again, and Steve is HIV positive. It's Christmas Eve, and Jane is nine months pregnant even though she always thought of herself as the butch one. The two women want to marry and want Adam and Steve to join them in the ceremony. A wheelchair-bound, Jewish lesbian rabbi from cable access TV arrives to officiate. The ceremony is interrupted as Jane gives birth, and Steve confides to Adam that his medication isn't working and that he'll probably not survive much longer. Bound by their long life together, and the miracle of birth they've just witnessed, the two men comfort each other even though they. know their remaining time together will be short.
ISBN: 0-8222-1720-1

The Mother

Play. Bertolt Brecht. Translated by Steve Gooch, music by Harms Eisler
M 15 F3. Extras. Various simple exterior and interior settings.

Pelagea Vlassova is drawn by her son Pavel into the revolutionary movement. Though hostile to it at first, she refuses to let him distribute leaflets, preferring to run the risk herself. She takes part in a peaceful demonstration, where Pavel is arrested; she learns to read, helps striking peasants, and works an illegal press. Pavel escapes from Siberia, but is caught and shot. Pelagea is beaten up for protesting against the 1914 war and finishes by carrying the red flag in a huge anti-war demonstration in the winter of 1916.

Mother Courage and her Children

Chronicle play. Bertolt Brecht

John Willett
Eric Bentley, music by Dessau
Ralph Manheim
Hanif Kureishi

M 19 F6. Extras. Twelve simple exterior settings.

For years through the terrible Thirty Years War Mother Courage has followed the Swedish armies with her mobile canteen, and her three children (each by a different man). Life during war is reduced simply to a series of business transactions: soldiers rob peasants and steal from their own stores, peasants sell their last cherished possessions. Mother Courage's business and motherly instincts constantly betray her. Finally, alone, she hitches herself to her wagon and continues to follow the army. Period 1624-1636

The Mother Tongue

Play. Alan Franks
M3 (18, 50s) F4 (40s, 60s). A living-room.

Premiered at the Greenwich Theatre in 1992 starring Prunella Scales and Gwen Taylor. Dorothy, a snob in the grand colonial manner, goes to stay with her daughter Harriet when Dorothy's Kensington home is destroyed by fire. In the course of the next three weeks, Dorothy works her way deep into the fabric of Harriet's life and family skeletons come clattering out of cupboards on both sides. 'This is an absorbing, entertaining, ingeniously-written play-apparently light, actually dark.' Observer
ISBN 0 573 01836 7

The Mound Builders

Drama. Lanford Wilson. 3 men, 4 women. Unit Set

At an archeological dig in the midwest, a party of university scientists are unearthing vestiges of a lost Indian civilization. Heading the group is,Dr. Howe, accompanied by his wife and daughter, and by a younger associate and his wife. They are all joined by Dr. Howes sister, a famous, and jaded, novelist, who is "drying out" after many years of dissipation, in remote parts, of the world. There is also an outsider, the acquisitive son of a local landowner, who wants the digging site to be turned into a commercialized tourist trap. Interweaving past and present through the use of slides, the action of the play probes into the lives - and conflicts - of these disparate people. Their story evokes resonances which illuminate what we are and will surely become, and which underscore the irony of our collective blindness to the disturbing, lessons which a close study of the past must inevitably reveal.
ISBN: 0-8222-1387-7

Mountain Memory

Drama. Romulus Linney. 5 men, 3 women (flexible casting). Unit Set.

The play follows the lives of a family of settlers in the Appalachian Mountains. Father has found a plot of land which pleases him greatly, despite the fact that it is on a mountain slope and not in the more fertile farming land of the valley. Mother complains, but is devoted to her husband. Daughter is willing to wait and see what comes. As the family sets up their new home, a neighbour, Brother 1, enters. He is a hard working, an ever struggling to get ahead man, unlike Brother 2, who likes to take it easy. A Boy lives nearby and tries to woo Daughter, who comes to love him, yet thinks he is too wild and needs to mature. She will wait, but Boy must grow up: Brother 1 comes back several times with new business proposals each time. First to buy Father's timber then to buy the mineral rights. Father continues to refuse all offers, but Brother 2 comes in happily each time to report on what on what a great deal he has obtained from selling portions of his farm to Brother 1. In reality, however, Brother 2 is being driven of his land and is headed for disaster. Boy is slowly maturing. He has fought in the Civil War and seen a great deal of human nature, and Daughter is warming to him. Finally Brother 1 comes back looking to buy the land itself. He is part of a corporation now that is looking to build a mountain resort and they want to buy the land, or, he threatens, they will take Father to court with a trumped-up claim of having an earlier deed to the land. Father is caught. He does not want to give up the land but is afraid of losing everything to this corporation. The family turns to the audience for help. The play ends with the actors introducing themselves to the audience and saying that they can do nothing to help this family. "Who will help?" they ask.
ISBN: 0-8222-1538-1

Mountain - The Journey of Justice Douglas

Play. Douglas Scott. 2 men, 1 woman. Unit Set
An exploration and celebration of the life of William O. Douglas (1898-1980).

The action of the play occurs within the mind of a dying man. Playing against the other two actors, who enact a multitude of memories (e.g., FDR, Nixon, Brandeis, his own parents, wives and children), Douglas struggles to find the meaning of his life. With the nation now moving in a direction antithetical to his own liberal passions, was his life meaningless? Were the sacrifices - his fight against poverty and sickness as a youth, his failures as husband and father - worth making? How does one's public life balance against the private one? The play ends with a passionate reaffirmation of the power of courage over fear, of the individual over the technological State.
ISBN: 0-8222-0776-1

Move Over Mrs Markham

Ray Cooney and John Chapman :
Farce 4M 5F Interior set

Philip Markham, a publisher of children's books, is asked by his business partner, Henry Lodge, if he can borrow the flat for the evening to gallivant with his latest girlfriend. As Philip and his wife will be out, he reluctantly agrees. At the same time, Joanna Markham is being persuaded by Linda Lodge to let her borrow the empty flat in order to entertain her lover. With some misgivings, Joanna agrees. What nobody knows is that the interior designer who has been decorating the flat for the past three months has decided that this is the night that he and the au pair girl will try out the new oval bed. When the Markham's evening out is cancelled, it is too late to let any of the parties know and three sets of hopeful lovers all converge on the bedroom at the same time. The situation is further complicated by the arrival of Olive Harriet Smythe, a straightlaced authoress of children's books. The frantic efforts of the Markhams to hide the amorous goings-on and, at the same time sign up Miss Smythe, lead to a hectic and hilarious evening.
ISBN: 0 85676 188 5


Play. Hugh Leonard
M5 (any age, 18, 40s) F4 (17, 18, 40s, 60s). A living-room.

It is 1957 and the Noone family is moving into a new house in Dublin. Presiding over the event is the Removals Man, who steps in and out of the action to explain the characters and their stories. The second half of the play is set in 1987 and the same family, no older than before, is moving into an even better house, their new relationships reflecting the revolutions that have taken place in family life in the intervening years.
ISBN 0 573 01837 5


Comedy. Stanley Price
M6 (30s-50s) F5 (19, 30, 40s). Extras 2M 1F (voices only). A living-room.

Frank and Sarah Gladwin's two children have left home, and as the house is now too large for just the parents, they decide to move. The problems start when they can't sell their house and the date for 'completion' looms ominously nearer. Disaster upon domestic disaster seems to plague them; after physically and symbolically papering over the cracks, the Gladwins eventually find a buyer in the Fearnleys and are saved at the eleventh hour.
ISBN 0 573 11286 X