Playwrights and their stage works 

Pierre Wolff

(1865-1944) - French drama and film critic, scenario writer, and playwright.

Stage Works

  1. Leurs filles (Their Daughters, 1891)

  2. Les maris de leurs filles (The Husbands of Their Daughters, 1892)

  3. Le béguin (Sweetheart, 1900)

  4. Le ménage Dubois (The Dubois Household, 1900)

  5. Le petit homme (The Small Man, 1902)

  6. Monsieur Dublanc (Mr. Dublanc, 1903)

  7. L'amour defendu (Forbidden Love, 1911)

  8. Le professeur d'honnêteté (The Professor of Virtue, 1913)

  9. Le chemin de Damas (The Road to Damascus, 1921)

  10. Le renard (The Fox, 1925).

  11. Après l'amour (After Love, 1924) with Henri Duvernois

  12. Dibengo (1925) with Henri Duvernois

  13. La noce (The Wedding, 1926) with Henri Duvernois

  14. Le voile déchiré (The Torn Veil, 1919) with Léopold Marchand

  15. Les ailes brisées (Broken Wings, 1920) with Léopold Marchand

  16. Une sacrée petite blonde (A Confounded Little Blonde, 1921) with André Birabeau

  17. L'école des amants (School for Lovers, 1923) with André Birabeau