Carlo Gozzi
(1720 - 1806) : Italian poet, literary theorist and dramatist. Born Venice 13 December, 1740. Died Venice 4 April, 1806
- L'amore delle tre melarance (Love for Three Oranges). Fable, 3 acts; prose. Published 1772. Produced Venice, Teatro San Samuele, Jan. 25, 1761.
- Il corvo (The Raven). Fable, 5 acts; verse. Published 1772. Produced Venice, Teatro San Samuele, Oct. 24, 1761.
- Il cervo (The King Stag). Fable, 3 acts; verse. Published 1772. Produced Venice, Teatro San Samuele, Jan. 5, 1762.
- Turandot. Fable, 5 acts; verse. Published 1772. Produced Venice, Teatro San Samuele, Jan. 22, 1762.
- Il cavaliere, ossia Il trionfo dell'amicizia (The Knight, or The Triumph of Friendship). Tragicomedy, 5 acts; verse. Published 1774. Produced Mantua, Apr. 28, 1762.
- Doride, ossia La rassegnata (Doris, or The Resigned). Tragicomedy, 5 acts; verse. Produced Mantua, June 21, 1762.
- La donna serpente (The Serpent Woman). Fable, 3 acts; verse. Published 1772. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Oct. 29, 1762.
- La Zobeide (Zobeide). Fable, 5 acts; verse. Published 1772. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Nov. 11, 1763.
- I pitocchi fortunati (The Lucky Beggars). Fable, 3 acts; verse. Published 1772. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Nov. 29, 1763.
- Il mostro turchino (The Blue Monster). Fable, 5 acts; verse. Published 1772. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Dec. 8, 1764.
- L'augellin belverde (The Pretty Little Green Bird). Philosophical fiaba, 5 acts; verse. Published 1772. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Jan. 19, 1765.
- Zeim, re dei genii (Zeim, King of the Djinns). Melodramatic fiaba, 4 acts; verse. Published 1772. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Nov. 27, 1765.
- La donna vendicativa disarmata dall'obbligazione (The Revengeful Woman Disarmed by Obligation). Tragedy, 5 acts; verse. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Oct. 8, 1767.
- La caduta di donna Elvira, regina di Navarra (The Fall of Elvira, Queen of Navarre). Tragic prologue, 1 scene; verse. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Jan. 30, 1768.
- La punizione nel precipizio (The Punishment in the Precipice). Tragicomedy, 3 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Jan. 30, 1768.
- Il pubblico secreto (The Public Secret). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Modena, May 20, 1769. Adapted from El secreto a voces, by Pedro Calderón de la Barca.
- La vedova del Malabar, ossia L'impero de'costumi (The Widow of Malabar, or The Reign of Custom). Tragedy, 5 acts. Produced 1770. Translation of La veuve de Malabar, by Antoine-Marin Lemierre.
- Le due notti affannose, ossia Gl'inganni dell'immaginazione (Two Breathless Nights, or Tricks of the Imagination). Tragicomedy, 5 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro San Salvatore, Jan. 5, 1771.
- La donna innamorata davvero (The Lady Truly in Love). Tragedy, 5 acts; verse. Produced Mantua, July 22, 1771. Adapted from Don Pedro de Urdemales, by Miguel de Cervantes.
- La principessa filosofa, ossia Il contravveleno (The Philosopher Princess, or The Antidote). Drama, 3 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro San Salvatore, Feb. 8, 1772.
- I due fratelli nimici (Brother Against Brother). Tragicomedy, 3 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro San Salvatore, January 1773. Adapted from Los hermanos encantados, by Augustin Moreto y Cabana.
- La malia della voce (The Charm of the Voice). Drama, 5 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro San Salvatore, Dec. 10, 1774.
- Il moro di corvo bianco, ossia Lo schiavo del proprio onore (The White Moor, or The Slave of His Own Honour). Tragicomedy, 5 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Jan. 20, 1775.
- Le droghe d'amore (The Love Potions). Comedy. Produced Venice, Jan. 10, 1777. Adapted from Celos con celos se curan, by Tirso de Molina.
- Il metafisico, ossia L'amore e 1'amicizia alla prova (The Metaphysician, or The Trial of Love and Friendship). Drama, 3 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro San Salvatore, Nov. 23, 1778.
- Bianca contessa di Melfi, ossia Il maritaggio per vendetta (Bianca, Countess of Melfi, or Marriage for Vengeance). Drama, 5 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Carnival season, 1779.
- Amore assottiglia il cervello (Love Sharpens the Wits). Comedy, 5 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro San Giovanni Crisostomo, Feb. 14, 1781.
- La figlia dell'aria, ossia L'innalzamento di Semiramide (The Daughter of the Air, or The Elevation of Semiramis). Drama, 3 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro San Salvatore, Feb. 14, 1786.
- Cimene Pardo (The Leopard). Drama, 5 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro San Giovanni Crisostomo, Carnival season, 1786.
- Annibale duca d'Atene (Hannibal, Duke of Athens). Play, 5 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Dec. 2, 1799.
- La donna contraria al consiglio (The Contrary Lady). Play, 5 acts. Produced Trieste, spring, 1800.
- Eco e Narciso (Echo and Narcissus). Pastoral fable for music, 3 acts.
- Il montanaro don Giovanni Pasquale (The Mountaineer Giovanni Pasquale). Play, 5 acts.