Composers and their stage works 


(1911 - 1972) : American playwright. Born in New York City, 9 September 1911. Died 3 August 1972.


  1. Childish Jokes: Crying Backstage. (1938)
  2. The Tower of Babel. (1940)
  3. 2 Noh Plays (produced 1950).
  4. The Witch of En-Dor (1944)
  5. Faustina (produced 1949).
  6. Theory of Tragedy (1950)
  7. Jonah (produced 1950; revised version produced 1966).
  8. Abraham (cycle of Abraham plays; produced 1953).
  9. Abraham and Isaac (1955)
  10. The Young Disciple (produced 1955)
  11. Little Hero (produced 1957)
  12. The Cave at Machpelah, music by Ned Rorem (produced 1959)