Composers and their stage works 

Giuseppe GIACOSA

(1847 - 1906): Italian journalist, teacher, librettist and dramatist. Born Aosta October 21, 1847: Died Turin September 1, 1906


  1. Al pianoforte (At the Piano). Dramatic sketch. Written 1870. Published 1873 .
  2. Una partita a scacchi (The Wager, or A Game of Chess). Play, 1 act. Written 1871. Published 1872. Produced 1873.
  3. Storia vecchia (Old Story). Play, 2 acts. Published 1874. Produced Turin, Teatro Gerbino, Oct . 16, 1872.
  4. Affari di banca (Bank Matters). Play, 4 acts. Produced Bologna, Teatro del Corso, Feb. 17, 1873.
  5. I figli del Marchese Arturo (The Sons of Marquis Arthur). Play, 4 acts. Produced Milan, Teatro Manzoni, Dec. 1, 1873.
  6. Intrighi eleganti (Elegant Plots). Play. Produced Turin, Teatro Gerbino, May 8, 1874.
  7. Sorprese notturne (Nighttime Surprise). Play, 1 act. Published 1875 . Produced Turin, Teatro Gerbino, Jan. 21, 1875.
  8. The Triumph of Love (Trionfo d'amore). Play, 2 acts. Published 1875. Produced Turin, Teatro Gerbino, Apr . 30, 1875.
  9. Il marito amante della moglie (The Husband, Lover of His Wife). Play, 3 acts. Published 1876. Produced Milan, Teatro Manzoni, Feb. 27, 1876.
  10. Fratello d'armi (Brother in Arms). Play, 4 acts. Published 1877. Produced Turin, Teatro Gerbino, Oct . 15, 1877.
  11. Il conte rosso (The Red Count). Play. Published 1880. Produced Turin, Teatro Carignano, Apr. 22, 1880.
  12. Tristi amori (Unhappy Love). Play. Published 1890 . Produced Rome, Teatro Valle, Mar. 24, 1887.
  13. La signora di Challant (The Lady of Challant). Play. Published 1891 . Produced Turin, Oct. 14, 1891.
  14. I diritti dell'anima (The Rights of the Soul, or Sacred Ground). Play, 1 act. Published 1900. Produced Verona, Teatro Nuovo, Feb. 26, 1894.
  15. Come le foglie (Like Falling Leaves). Play. Published 1900. Produced Milan, Teatro Manzoni, Jan . 31, 1900.
  16. Il più forte (The Stronger). Play. Published 1900 . Produced Turin, Teatro Alfieri, Nov. 25, 1904.


P. Nardi, Vita a tempo di Giacosa, Milan, 1949;
A. Barsotti, Giuseppe Giacosa, Florence, 1973