Composers and their stage works 

Armand Gatti

(1924 - ): French journalist, film director and dramatist


  1. The Child Rat (L'enfant-rat) pub. 1960
  2. The Second Existance of the Tatenburg Camp(La deuxième existance du camp de Tatenberg) 1962
  3. The Black Fish (Le poisson noir) wr. 1958. pub. 1964
  4. The Puff Toad (Le crapaud-buffle) 1959
  5. The Journey of the Great Chou (Le voyage de Grand Tschou) 1962
  6. Chronicles of a Provisional Planet(Chroniques d'une planète provisoire) 1963
  7. Public Song Before Two Electric Chairs (Chant public devant deux chaises électriques) 1966
  8. The Passion of General Franco (La passion du général Franco) revised as Passion in Violet, Red and Gold (1965)
  9. V as in Vietnam ( V comme Vietnam) 1967
  10. The Thirteen Suns of Rue Saint-Blaise (Les 13 soleils de la rue Saint-Blaise) 1968
  11. Rosa Collective (1971)
  12. The Carnaca Tribe Fighting Against What? (La tribu des Carnaca en guerre contra quoi?) 1974