Composers and their stage works 

T(homas) S(tearns) ELIOT

Born in St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A., 26 September 1888; became British citizen, 1927. Died January 4, 1965.


  1. Sweeney Agonistes: Fragments of an Aristophanic Melodrama (produced 1933). 1932.
  2. The Rock: A Pageant Play (produced 1934). 1934.
  3. Murder in the Cathedral (produced 1935). 1935
  4. The Family Reunion (produced 1939). 1939.
  5. The Cocktail Party (produced 1949). 1950
  6. The Confidential Clerk (produced 1953). 1954.
  7. The Elder Statesman (produced 1958). 1959