Composers and their stage works 


Antonio Coello y Ochoa

Spanish dramatist. A collaborator of several major dramatists of the Siglo de Oro (Spanish Golden Age)

Stage Works

  1. El conde de Sex, o Dar la vida por su dama (The Earl of Essex, or To Give One's Life for One's Lady) (prod. 1633, pub. 1638)

  2. El celoso extremeno (The Jealous Estremenian 1634), adapted from Cervantes' novella of the same name (1613)

  3. No Sooner Said than Done (Lo dicho hecho, pub. 1650)

  4. La adúltera castigada (The Adulteress Punished)

  5. Peor es hurgarlo (Best Not to Stir Things Up)

  6. Los dos Fernandos de Austria (The Two Ferdinands of Austria, pub. 1646)

  7. Los empenos de seis horas (The Adventures of Six Hours)
