Composers and their stage works 

Drums in the Night

Bertolt Brecht

Translations: John Willett
Gerhard Nellhaus
Richard Beckley
Frank Jones

Drama. M9 F6. Interior and exterior settings.

Dark comedy condemning the choice by a young man of bourgeois safety over revolution

The soldier Andreas Kragler returns from a prison camp to find his fiancée Anna just engaged to the prosperous profiteer Friedrich Murk. Against sounds and reports of the Spartacist Communists storming the newspaper offices, Andreas quarrels in a bar with Anna's parents and the now drunken Murk. Lost in the street, he follows the rioting; Anna follows him. In desperation Andreas leads the (partly drunken) company to the newspaper offices. In the early morning he and Anna meet in the streets. He refuses to return to the fighting and the two go home together.