Composers and their stage works 


Édouard Bourdet

(1887 - 1945) French dramatist.

Stage Works

  1. Le rubicon (The Rubicon) 1910
  2. La cage ouverte (The Open Cage) 1913
  3. L'heure du berger (Lovers' Hour) 1922
  4. L'homme enchaîné (The Chained Man) 1923
  5. La prisonnière (The Captive) 1926
  6. Vient de paraître (Best Sellers) 1927
  7. Le sexe faible (The Weaker Sex) 1929
  8. La fleur des pois (The Snobs) - 1932
  9. Le temps difficile (Hard Times) - adapted by Louis Broomfield as Times Have Changed - 1934
  10. Margot - 1935
  11. Fric-Frac (1936)
  12. Père (Father) 1942
  13. Hyménée (Marriage) 1944