Composers and their stage works 


Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Blok

Russian poet and dramatist. Born St. Petersburg 28 November, 1880. Died Petrograd 7 August, 1921

Stage Works

  1. Balaganchil (The Little Showbooth) - Harliquinade in 1 act. Written 1906
  2. Korol na ploshchadi (The King in the Town Square) Drama, prologue and 3 acts. (1906)
  3. O lyubvi, poezii i gosudarstvennoy sluzhbe (On Love, Poetry and Government Service)  Dialogue in 1 act. 1907
  4. Neznakomka (The Unknown Woman) Drama 3 scenes. 1906
  5. Pesnya sudby (The Song of Fate) Dramatic prologue 7 scenes. 1908
  6. Roza i krest (The Rose and the Cross) Drama 4 acts. 1913
  7. Ramzes (Ramses)  Scenes 1 act. 1919