Composers and their stage works 

Jacinto Benavente y Martinez

Spanish dramatist (1866 - 1954). Born Madrid 12 August 1866

Stage Works

Unless otherwise indicated, the plays were first performed in Madrid. Nos. 1 to 8 were published as Teatro fantástico (1892).

  1. Comedia italiana (Italian Comedy). Play, 2 scenes. Written before 1892
  2. El criado de Don Juan (Don Juan's Servant). Play, 1 act. Written before 1892. Produced Teatro Español, Mar. 29, 1911
  3. La senda del amor (The Path of Love). Comedy for marionettes, 1 act. Written before 1892.
  4. La blancura de Pierrot (The Whiteness of Pierrot). Pantomine, 1 act. Written before 1892.
  5. Cuento de primavera (Spring Story). Play; prologue and epilogue, 2 acts. Written before 1892.
  6. Amor de artista (Artist's Love). Panegyric, 1 act. Written before 1892
  7. Modernismo (Modernism). Play, 1 act. Written before 1892.
  8. El encanto de una hora (The Magic of an Hour). Dialogue, 1 act. Written 1892. Produced Teatro de la Princesa, Dec. 30, 1905.
  9. El nido ajeno (Another's Nest). Play, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Oct. 6, 1894.
  10. Gente conocida (People of Importance). Play, 4 acts. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Oct. 21, 1896.
  11. El marido de la Téllez (The Téllez Woman's Husband). Play, 1 act. Produced Teatro de Lara, Feb. 13, 1897.
  12. De alivio (On Comfort). Monologue, 1 act. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Feb. 27, 1897.
  13. Don Juan. Comedy, 5 acts. Produced Teatro de la Princesa, Oct. 31, 1897. Based on the play by Molière.
  14. La farándula (Bombastic Actors). Play, 2 acts. Produced Teatro de Lara, Nov. 30, 1897.
  15. La comida de las fieras (The Wild Beasts' Banquet). Play, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Nov. 7, 1898.
  16. Teatro feminista (Feminist Theatre). Diversion, 1 act. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Dec. 28, 1898. Music: Pablo Barbero.
  17. Cuento de amor (Love Story). Fantastic comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Mar. 11, 1899. (Adaptation) Based on Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.
  18. Operación quirúrgica (Surgery). Play, 1 act. Produced Teatro de Lara, May 4, 1899.
  19. Despedida cruel (Cruel Farewell). Play, 1 act. Produced Teatro de Lara, Dec. 7, 1899.
  20. La gata de Angora (The Angora Cat). Play, 4 acts. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Mar. 31, 1900.
  21. Viaje de instrucción (The Journey of Instruction). Musical comedy, 1 act. Produced Teatro Alhambra, Apr. 6, 1900. Music: Amadeo Vives.
  22. Por la herida (Through Affliction). Drama, 1 act. Produced Teatro de Novedades, July 15, 1900.
  23. Modas (Fashions). Farce, 1 act. Produced Teatro de Lara, Jan. 18, 1901.
  24. Lo cursi (Vulgarity). Play, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Jan. 19, 1901.
  25. Sin querer (In Perfect Innocence). Comic sketch, 1 act. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Mar. 3, 1901.
  26. Sacrificios (Sacrifices). Drama, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de Novedades, July 19, 1901.
  27. La gobernadora (The Governor's Wife). Play, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Oct. 8, 1901.
  28. El primo román (The First Roman). Play, 3 acts. Produced Saragossa, Nov. 12, 1901.
  29. Amor de amar (Love of Living). Play, 2 acts. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Feb. 24, 1902.
  30. ¡Liberdad! (Liberty!). Play, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Mar. 17, 1902. Based on a play by Santiago Rusiñol y Prats.
  31. En tren de los maridos (In the Husband's Retinue). Comedy, 2 acts. Produced Teatro de Lara, Apr. 18, 1902.
  32. Alma triunfante (Triumphant Soul). Drama, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Dec. 2, 1902.
  33. El automóvil (The Automobile). Play, 2 acts. Produced Teatro de Lara, Dec. 19, 1902.
  34. La noche del sábado (Saturday Night). Novel for the stage, 5 acts. Produced Teatro Español, Mar. 17, 1903.
  35. Los Favoritos (The Favourites). Play, 1 act. Produced Seville, Mar. 20, 1903.
  36. El hombrecito (The Manikin). Play, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Mar. 23, 1903.
  37. Mademoiselle de Belle-Isle. (Translation). Play, 5 acts. Produced Valladolid, Oct. 20, 1903. Based on the play of the same name by Alexandre Dumas pére.
  38. Por qué se ama (Why One Loves). Play, 1 act. Produced Teatro Español, Oct. 26, 1903.
  39. Al natural (No Affectation). Play, 2 acts. Produced Teatro de Lara, Nov. 20, 1903.
  40. La casa de la dicha (The House of Happiness). Drama, 1 act. Produced Barcelona, Teatro Intimo, Dec. 9, 1903.
  41. No fumadores (No Smoking) Farce, 1 act. Produced Teatro de Lara, Mar. 3, 1904.
  42. Richelieu. (Translation). Drama, 5 acts. Produced Mexico City, Mar. 15, 1904. Based on the play of the same name by Edward Bulwer Lytton.
  43. El dragón de fuego (The Fire Dragon). Drama, 3 acts and epilogue. Produced Teatro Español, Mar. 16, 1904.
  44. La princesa Bebé (Princess Bebé). Play, 4 acts. Written 1904. Produced Teatro Español, Mar. 31, 1906.
  45. Manon Lescaut. Drama, 3 acts. Produced Teatro Español, Feb. 25, 1905.
  46. Rosas de otoño (Autumnal Roses). Play, 3 acts. Produced Teatro Español, Apr. 13, 1905.
  47. El susto de la condesa (The Countess' Terror). Dialogue, 1 act. Produced Teatro Español, Nov. 15, 1905.
  48. Cuento inmoral (Immoral Story). Monologue, 1 act. Produced Teatro Español, Nov. 15, 1905.
  49. Los malhechores del bien (The Evil Doers of Good). Play, 2 acts. Produced Teatro de Lara, Dec. 1, 1905.
  50. La sobresalienta (The Understudy). Lyrical farce, 1 act. Produced Teatro Español, Dec. 23, 1905.
  51. Las cigarras hormigas (The Harvest Flies). Play, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Dec. 24, 1905.
  52. Buena boda (A Good Marriage). (Translation). Play, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de Sociedad, 1905. Based on Émile Augier's Un beau mariage.
  53. Más fuerte que el amor (Stronger than Love). Drama, 4 acts. Produced Teatro Español, Feb. 22, 1906.
  54. El amor asusta (Love Shocks). Play, 1 act. Produced Jan. 10, 1907.
  55. Los buhos (The Owls). Play, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de Lara, Feb. 8, 1907.
  56. Abuela y nieta (Grandmother and Grandchild). Dialogue, 1 act. Produced Teatro de Lara, Feb. 21, 1907.
  57. La copa encantada (The Enchanted Cup). Musical comedy, 1 act. Produced Teatro de la Zarzuela, Mar. 16, 1907. Music: Vicente Lleó.
  58. La princesa sin corazón (The Heartless Princess). Horror play, 1 act. Written 1907. Published 1908.
  59. Todos somos unos (All Are One). Lyric farce, 1 act. Produced Teatro Esclava, Sept. 21, 1907.
  60. La historia de Otelo (The Story of Othello). Play, 1 act. Produced Teatro de Apolo, Oct. 11, 1907.
  61. Los ojos de los muertos (The Eyes of the Dead). Drama, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Princesa, Nov. 7, 1907.
  62. La sonrisa de Gioconda (The Smile of Mona Lisa). Play, 1 act. Written 1907. Published 1908.
  63. El último minué. (The Last Minuet). Comedy, 1 act. Written 1907. Produced Teatro Benavente, Oct. 23, 1909.
  64. Los intereses creados (Bonds of Interest). Play, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de Lara, Dec. 9, 1907.
  65. Señora Ama. Play, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Princesa, Feb. 22, 1908.
  66. De pequeñas causas . . . (From Small Beginnings . . . ). Play, 1 act. Produced Teatro de la Princesa, Mar. 14, 1908.
  67. El marido de su viuda (His Widow's Husband). Play, 1 act. Produced Teatro del Principe Alfonso, Oct. 19, 1908.
  68. La fuerza bruta (Brute Force). Play, 1 act. Produced Teatro de Lara, Nov. 19, 1908.
  69. Hacia la verdad (Near the Truth). Play, 3 acts. Produced Teatro del Principe Alfonso, Dec. 23, 1908.
  70. Por las nubes (In the Clouds). Play, 2 acts. Produced Teatro de Lara, Jan. 20, 1909.
  71. De cerca (At Close Range). Play, 1 act. Produced Teatro de Lara, Apr. 10, 1909.
  72. ¡A ver qué hace un hombre! (Let's See What a Man Does!). Play, 1 act. Published 1909.
  73. La escuela de las princesas (The School of Princesses). Play, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Oct. 14, 1909.
  74. La señorita se aburre (The Señorita Is Bored). Play, 1 act. Produced Teatro del Principe Alfonso, Dec. 1, 1909.
  75. El príncipe que todo lo aprendió en los libros (The Prince Who Learned Everything Out of Books). Children's fantasy, 2 acts. Produced Teatro del Príncipe Alfonso, Dec. 20, 1909.
  76. Ganarse la vida (Earning a Living). Play, 1 act. Produced Teatro del Principe Alfonso, Dec. 20, 1909.
  77. El nietecito (The Little Grandson). Play, 1 act. Produced Teatro del Principe Alfonso, Jan. 27, 1910.
  78. Caridad (Charity). Monologue, 1 act. Published 1918. Produced Teatro Real, Feb. 3, 1911.
  79. La losa de los sueños (The Graveyard of Dreams). Comedy, 2 acts. Produced Teatro de Lara, Nov. 9, 1911.
  80. El rey Lear (King Lear). (Translation). Prose tragedy, 5 acts. Published 1911. Based on the play by Shakespeare.
  81. La Malquerida* (The Passion Flower). Drama, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Princesa, Dec. 12, 1913.
  82. El destino manda (Destiny Commands). (Translation). Drama, 2 acts. Produced Teatro de la Princesa, Mar. 25, 1914. Based on Paul Hervieu's Le destin est maître.
  83. El collar de estrellas (The Necklace of Stars). Play, 4 acts. Produced Teatro de la Princesa, Mar. 4, 1915.
  84. La Verdad (The Truth). Dialogue, 1 act. Published 1915. Produced Teatro de la Comedia.
  85. La propia estimación (Proper Esteem). Play, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Dec. 22, 1915.
  86. Campo de armiño (Field of Ermine). Drama, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Princesa, Feb. 14, 1916.
  87. La túnica amarilla (The Yellow Jacket). (Translation). Chinese fable, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Princesa, Apr. 22, 1916. Based on the play The Yellow Jacket, by George C. Hazelton and Harry Benrimo.
  88. La ciudad alegre y confiada (The Joyous and Confident City). Play, prologue and 3 acts. Produced Teatro de Lara, May 18, 1916. Sequel to Los intereses creados.
  89. El mal que nos hacen (The Evil Done to Us). Play, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Princesa, Mar. 23, 1917.
  90. Los cachorros (The Puppies). Play, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Princesa, Mar. 8, 1918.
  91. La Mefistófela (Mephistopheles). Comic operetta, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Reina Victoria, Apr. 29, 1918. Music: Prudencio Muñoz.
  92. La Inmaculada de los Dolores (Our Lady of Sorrow). Dramatic novel, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de Lara, Apr. 30, 1918.
  93. La ley de los hijos (The Law of Children). Drama, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Zarzuela, Dec. 23, 1918.
  94. Por ser con todos leal, ser para todos traidor (Loyalty to All Through Treachery to All). Drama, 3 acts. Produced Teatro del Centro, Mar. 5, 1919.
  95. La vestal de Occidente (The Vestal of the West). Drama, 4 acts. Produced Teatro de la Princesa, Mar. 29, 1919.
  96. La honra de los hombres (The Honour of Men). Comedy, 2 acts. Produced Teatro de Lara, May 2, 1919.
  97. El audaz (The Bold Man). (Adaptation). Drama, 5 acts. Produced Teatro Español, Dec. 6, 1919. Based on the novel of the same name by Benito Pérez Galdós.
  98. La Cenicienta (Cinderella). Fairy tale, 3 acts. Produced Teatro Español, Dec. 20, 1919.
  99. Y va de cuento (And Once Upon a Time). Fantasy, prologue and 4 acts. Produced Dec. 23, 1919.
  100. La fuerza bruta (Brute Force). Musical comedy, 2 acts. Produced Teatro de la Zarzuela, 1919. Music: Chaves.
  101. Una señora (A Lady). Dramatic novel, 3 acts. Produced Teatro del Centro, Jan. 2, 1920.
  102. Una pobre mujer (A Poor Woman). Drama, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Princesa, Apr. 3, 1920.
  103. Más allá de la muerte (Beyond Death). Drama, 3 acts. Produced Buenos Aires, August, 1922.
  104. Por que se quitó Juan de la bebida (Why Juan Quit Drinking). Monologue. Produced Montevideo, Teatro Soles, Aug. 30, 1922.
  105. Lecciones de buen amor (Lessons in Good Love). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro Español, Apr. 2, 1924.
  106. Un par de botas (A Pair of Boots). Comedy, 1 act. Produced Teatro de la Princesa, May 24, 1924.
  107. Alfilerazos (Pinpricks). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Buenos Aires, Teatro Avenida, June 18, 1924; Madrid, Teatro del Centro, Oct. 5, 1925.
  108. La otra honra (The Other Honour). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de Lara, Sept. 19, 1924.
  109. La virtud sospechosa (Suspect Virtue) Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro Fontalba, Oct. 20, 1924.
  110. Nadie sabe lo que quiere, o El bailarín y el trabajador (Nobody Knows What He Wants, or The Dancer and the Labourer). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro Cómico, Mar. 14, 1925.
  111. ¡Si creerás tú que es por mi gusto! (If You Think I Want It This Way!). Dialogue, 1 act. Published 1925.
  112. El suicidio de Lucerito (Lucerito's Suicide). Comedy, 1 act. Produced Teatro Alcázar, July 17, 1925.
  113. Los nuevos yernos (The New Sons-in-law). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro Fontalba, Oct. 2, 1925.
  114. La mariposa que voló sobre el mar (The Butterfly That Flew over the Sea). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro Fontalba, Sept. 22, 1926.
  115. El hijo de Polichinela (The Son of Pulchinella). Comedy, prologue and 3 acts. Produced Teatro de Lara, Apr. 16, 1927.
  116. A las puertas del cielo (At the Gates of Heaven). Dialogue, 1 act. Published 1927.
  117. La noche iluminada (The Illuminated Night). Magical comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro Fontalba, Dec. 22, 1927.
  118. El demonio fue antes ángel (Angel Before Devil). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro Calderón, Feb. 18, 1928.
  119. ¡No quiero, no quiero! (I Don't Want To, I Don't Want To!). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro Fontalba, Mar. 10, 1928.
  120. Pepa Doncel. Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro Calderón, Nov. 21, 1928.
  121. Para el cielo y los altares (For Heaven and the Altars). Drama, 3 acts and epilogue. Published 1929.
  122. Vidas cruzadas (Crossed Lives). Screenplay, 2 parts. Produced Teatro de la Reina Victoria, Mar. 30, 1929.
  123. Los amigos del hombre (Man's Friends). Farce, 4 acts. Produced Teatro de la Avenida, Nov. 3, 1930.
  124. Los andrajos de la púrpura (Purple Tatters). Drama, 5 acts. Produced Teatro Muñoz Seca, Nov. 6, 1930.
  125. De muy buena familia (From a Very Good Family). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro Muñoz Seca, Mar. 11, 1931.
  126. Literatura (Literature). Comedy, 4 acts. Published 1931. Produced Teatro Alcázar, Apr. 4, 1931.
  127. La melodía del jazz-band (The Melody of the Jazz Band). Comedy, prologue and 3 acts. Published 1931. Produced Teatro Fontalba, Oct. 30, 1931.
  128. Cuando los hijos de Eva no son los hijos de Adán (When Eve's Sons Are Not Adam's Sons). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro Calderón, Nov. 5, 1931. Based on Margaret Kennedy's novel The Constant Nymph (1924).
  129. Santa Rusia (Holy Russia). Trilogy, 7 scenes, first part. Produced Teatro Beatriz, Oct. 6, 1932.
  130. La duquesa gitana (The Gypsy Duchess). Magic comedy, 5 acts. Produced Teatro Fontalba, Oct. 28, 1932.
  131. La moral del divorcio (The Moral of Divorce). Dialogue lecture, 3 parts. Produced Teatro de la Avenida, Nov. 4, 1932.
  132. Le verdad inventada (The Invented Truth). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de Lara, Oct. 27, 1933.
  133. El rival de su mujer (His Wife's Rival). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Buenos Aires, Teatro Odeón, 1933.
  134. El pan comido en la mano (Bread Eaten from the Hand). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro Fontalba, Jan. 12, 1934.
  135. Ni al amor ni al mar (Neither to Love nor to the Sea). Drama, 4 acts and epilogue. Produced Teatro Español, Jan. 19, 1934.
  136. Memorias de un madrileño (Memoirs of a Madrid Man). Moving tableaux, 5 acts. Produced Teatro de Lara, Nov. 8, 1934.
  137. La novia de nieve (The Snow Bride). Comedy, prologue and 3 acts. Produced Teatro Español, Nov. 29, 1934.
  138. No juguéis con esas cosas (Don't Play with Those Things) Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro Esclava, Jan. 18, 1935.
  139. Cualquiera lo sabe (Anyone Knows That). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Feb. 13, 1935.
  140. Lo increíble (The Incredible). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Oct. 25, 1940.
  141. Aves y pájaros (Birds and Fowl). Play, 2 parts. Produced Teatro de Lara, Oct. 20, 1940.
  142. Abuelo y nieto (Grandfather and Grandson). Dialogue, 1 act. Produced San Sebastián, Teatro del Príncipe, Aug. 29, 1941.
  143. Y amargaba . . . (And It Was Bitter). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Zarzuela, Nov. 19, 1941.
  144. La última carta (The Last Letter). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro Alcázar, Dec. 9, 1941.
  145. La honradez de la cerradura (The Integrity of the Lock). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro Español, Apr. 4, 1942.
  146. La culpa es tuya (It's Your Fault). Comedy, 3 acts. Published 1943. Produced San Sebastián, August, 1942; Madrid, Teatro de la Zarzuela, Sept, 17, 1942.
  147. Al fin, mujer (Finally, Woman). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced San Sebastian, Teatro del Principe, Sept. 13, 1942; Madrid, Teatro Alcázar, Nov. 17, 1942.
  148. ¡Hija del alma! (Daughter of My Soul!) Play, 1 act. Produced Teatro de Lara, Sept. 17, 1942.
  149. La enlutada (The Mourner). Play, 3 acts. Published 1943. Produced Saragossa, Teatro Principal, Oct. 16, 1942.
  150. El demonio del teatro (The Demon of the Theatre). Comedy, 3 acts. Published 1943. Produced Teatro Cómico, Oct. 28, 1942.
  151. Don Magín él de las magias (Don Magin the Magician). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Barcelona, Teatro Barcelona, Mar. 26, 1944; Madrid, Teatro Alcázar, Jan. 12, 1945.
  152. Los niños perdidos en la selva (Children Lost in the Forest). Dramatic novel, 4 acts. Produced Madrid, Teatro de la Infanta Beatriz, Apr. 14, 1944; San Sebastián, Teatro Principal, Oct. 14, 1944.
  153. Espejo de grandes (Mirror of the Great). Historical play, 1 act. Produced Oct. 12, 1944; Madrid, Teatro de Lara, June 11, 1946.
  154. Nieve en Mayo (Snow in May). Dramatic poem, 4 acts. Produced Teatro de la Zarzuela, Jan. 19, 1945.
  155. La ciudad doliente (The Suffering City). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Apr. 14, 1945.
  156. Titania. Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Buenos Aires, Sept. 25, 1945; Madrid, Teatro Calderón, Nov. 8, 1946.
  157. La infanzona (The Noblewoman). Drama, 3 acts. Produced Buenos Aires, Dec. 6, 1945; Madrid, Teatro Calderón, Jan. 10, 1947.
  158. Al servicio de su majestad imperial (In the Service of His Imperial Majesty). Comedy, 1 act. Published 1947.
  159. Abdicación (Abdication). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de Lara, Mar. 27, 1948.
  160. Divorcio de almas (Divorce of Souls). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro Fontalba, Sept. 30, 1948.
  161. Adoración (Adoration). Dramatic comedy, prologue and 2 acts. Produced Teatro Cómico, Dec. 3, 1948.
  162. Al amor hay que mandarlo al colegio (Love Should Be Sent to School). Comedy, 4 episodes. Produced Teatro de Lara, Sept. 29, 1950.
  163. Su amante esposa (His LoverWife). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Infanta Isabel, Oct. 20, 1950.
  164. Tú una vez y el diablo diez (You Once, the Devil Ten Times). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Valladolid, Teatro Lope de Vega, Oct. 23, 1950; Madrid, Teatro de la Infanta Isabel, Mar. 27, 1951.
  165. Mater imperatrix. Dramatic comedy, 3 acts. Produced Barcelona, Teatro de la Comedia, Nov. 29, 1950; Madrid, Teatro de la Comedia, Jan. 30, 1951.
  166. La vida en verso (Life in Verse). Comedy, 3 acts. Published 1953. Produced Teatro de la Infanta Isabel, Nov. 9, 1951.
  167. Ha llegado Don Juan (Don Juan Has Arrived). Comedy, prologue and 2 acts. Produced Barcelona, Teatro de la Comedia, Apr. 12, 1952.
  168. El lebrel del cielo (The Hound of Heaven). Comedy, 3 acts. Published 1953. Produced Teatro Calderón, Apr. 25, 1952. Based on Francis Thompson's poem of the same name (1893).
  169. Servir (To Serve). Comedy, 2 acts and interlude. Produced Teatro Maria Guerrero, Jan. 22, 1953.
  170. El alfiler en la boca (A Pin in the Mouth). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Infanta Isabel, Feb. 13, 1953.
  171. Almas prisioneras (Imprisoned Souls). Drama, prologue and 2 acts. Produced Teatro Alvarez Quintero, Feb. 26, 1953.
  172. Caperucita asusta al lobo (Little Red Riding-Hood Frightens the Wolf). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Infanta Isabel, Sept. 23, 1953.
  173. Hijos padres de sus padres (Sons Fathers of Their Fathers). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de Lara, Feb. 11, 1954.
  174. El marido de bronce (The Brass Husband). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Teatro de la Infanta Isabel, Apr. 23, 1954.
  175. El bufón de Hamlet (The Buffoon of Hamlet). Play.
  176. Por salvar el amor (To Save Love). Play.